for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done,
and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.
-Galatians 6:4
Don't get me wrong with this one. I love, love, love to serve as an inspiration to others. That's the whole point of this blog. But this whole comparison game is getting out of hand in this generation.
We are drawn to someone else's' life based on lies and how things seem on pictures. Basically for all the wrong reasons. When you set your mind on doing something there's always that one question you should ask yourself first: Why?
Why am I doing what I'm doing? Why am I studying what I'm studying? Why do I desire the things I desire?
God looks at your motives, your intentions, your heart and rewards you accordingly. Our generation takes their purpose and calling for granted to follow a trend, doing what everybody else is doing to be able to write #goals in their captions. And that scares me.
What disturbs me most is when people jump on a bus that doesn't even get them to their destination because they see someone else on the bus.
When you follow a calling that is not for you, you will drown. -Pastor Dharius Daniels
When God told the Israelites to pass through the red sea, they got to the other side completely dry because it was God's will for them. Pharaoh and his people drowned because that call wasn't for them.
When God is parting the waters for someone don't jump in after them and drown. Instead plant yourselves by the waters, like a tree at the riverside and wait your turn. God is surely going to get you where you need to be. Just pay attention to yourself.
It's so easy to feel like everybody else is ahead of you, everybody is doing all these amazing things or "overtaking" you because of all the over-exposure of people's lives.
To overcome these feelings of comparison, we can turn to the word of God for answers. Galatians 6:4 is so accurate. When you are busy with your own life, your own goals, making your own dreams happen, you'll have less time to stress about what everybody else is doing.
It's one thing to look at what someone is doing and admire it and be inspired to adapt some of what they are doing into your own life. But jealousy and resentment are fruits of the flesh and should never be the motivation to copy someone.
God is so inspiring. If you'll ask Him, He will tell you what to do. Don't be a copycat, don't join the "me too-society" but be the original God created so beautiful and unique.
Be you... everybody else is already taken.
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