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12 March 2022



And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Genesis 2:25 NKJV

It's spring, guys! The sun is out in Hamburg, the birds are chirping and the days are finally getting longer which means we're getting closer to summer by the day. March is a beautiful month and it happens to also be my sisters Birthday month. So as the good sister that I am, I decided to book us a Thai Massage as a nice Sister-Spa-Birthday idea. We've both never been professionally massaged before so we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

Let's just say the first 5 minutes I was in pain because the lady was climbing on top of me.The next five minutes I was desperately trying to hold in my farts and laughter and after that I was just downright embarrassed and uncomfortable. Why? Because the she kept pulling down our pants and massaged our butts... I know, that's a lot of information but I'm trying to draw a picture.

I was just so confused about the entire situation and wondered what it is that I booked and how I ended up lying there with my pants pulled down to my knees. I also couldn't help but ask myself what my husband would think of this. After all, he's the only one who is supposed to see my cellulite, my stretch marks and the way I look when I'm not covered up. And this reminded me of Adam and Eve and how the Bible tells us that they were both naked but not ashamed.

With that sentence alone God showed us what true intimacy means. That it's not necessarily just sexual but it's about allowing your partner to see you as you are without hiding anything. When I met Emmanuel we had so many deep and long conversations. I told Him everything about myself, my family, my fears, my mistakes and there was literally nothing I withheld from him. I noticed from day one that he is the person that I can be naked before without shame.

I've noticed that marriage is like a mirror. It allows you to see yourself, and that is the good, the bad and the ugly, for who you truly are. I always knew that I'm a quiet spoilt and pampered last born with a bit of a sense of entitlement but definitely not to the extent that I realized once I got married. My marriage made me see myself in a different way. And as painful as it can be at times, to see that reflection of yourself and be confronted with the things you don't like about yourself, it's a beautiful learning process for becoming the best version of yourself, first for you but also for the person you're becoming one with.

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
I Corinthians 13:12 NKJV

In our generation everyone always has a guard up. We hide behind makeup, our characters and the front we put up to remain unapproachable.
It's human and natural to protect yourself and cover up. I'm sure the nice Thai lady who gave me a massage was professional and didn't really care about seeing me naked. She probably forgot about me after two minutes and moved on to the next customer. To her she was just doing her job but to me it was a big deal to lie naked infront of a stranger.

The point I want to make with this long story is this: it's hard to be vulnerable, open and transparent in a world where it's so hard to trust others. And God never intended for us to be naked infront of just anyone (that is both physically and spiritually). Adam and Eve were by themselves, just the two of them and God. That's where they could be themselves without being afraid of being laughed at, judged or ridiculed for who they truly are.

Whether you're married, engaged, divorced or single your partner deserves to see you and be seen the way they are. No hiding, no masks, no shields. Just the true, naked you. I want my husband to be able to tell me everything. I want to be the person he can pray and play with. Laugh and cry with. I want to be a safe place, the wife, friend and sister he can tell his secrets to and know that they are safe with me. I want him to be able to be naked in front of me without shame or fear and I want to be able to do the same.

You know, the thing about nakedness and love is that love covers. It doesn't leave you out in the open, cold and shivering. It covers you up. Just like the Father did for Adam and Eve when they were cast into the world, He covered them with Sheep's clothes. Love never exposes. That's how they were able to be naked infront of each other and not ashamed. 

My husband knows my dirt, my flaws, my mistakes yet he never points at them and exposes them infront of others, he covers me in love. Just like the Father. He covered all our sin and shame by the precious blood of Jesus so that the enemy, the accuser of mankind, wouldn't be able to abuse our nakedness.

Before God and in His love we're able to be naked, transparent, honest and open without fear and shame. And that's the most beautiful place we can hide in this world where nobody wants to be seen for who they truly are, we can run to God and the people He placed in our lives that we can be naked before and be covered in Love.

And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”
I Peter 4:8 NKJV

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