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15 April 2019


We all know that one Christian who always has some amazing story, dream or encounter with God they need to share. Every single week they claim that God appeared to them in some way, shape or form. And I'm not ashamed to admit that this is totally me! Any time I go to Bible study or I'm on the phone to friends it sounds like this: "And then God was like Nah, Ashley...and then I was like what, God...are you for real? And then God was like yes, Girl." 

Everyone who knows me knows I always have something to share. And I'm sure that at this point some people may be thinking, wait a minute... how come God only talks to her all the time? Or only to the same three people around me?

God speaking to His people isn't a privilege that is only reserved to some kind of godly elite. It's not just reserved for the holiest person. Let me tell you this one thing and if you close this website after this at least ill know I said the truth.

If you are a Child of God and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, the Holy Spirit lives in you and you can hear from God.

Not only Pastors, Priests and Prophets can, no you with your simple self can hear from God too. In the past, God only spoke to specific people to spread the message. But through His Holy Spirit, He has made His voice audible to all people and I am so grateful to serve a God who desires to communicate with His Childen. And if you're one of those people who sit in Church or in Christian groups settings and feel like everybody else can brag about all the amazing convos they have with God but you herE are 14 Reasons why you may not be hearing from God.



At times we think hearing from God has to be a really explosive, mind-blowing experience. So did Elijah, he was looking for Gods voice in fires and earthquakes but God decided to speak to him in a whisper. (1. Kings 19:12) God can be found in the mundane. Just renew your mind on how you think God should speak to you and you'll find Him in the ordinary.


The Bible tells us in  John 10:27 My Sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. God really has to be the Sheperd over your life for you to recognize His voice and be able to distinguish His voice from others. When God spoke to Samuel for the first time he mistakes the voice of God for the Voice of his Lord three times until he finally understood that it wasn't Eli talking to him but God. (1. Samuel 3)


When was the last time you really sat in silence before the feet of God? I'm super guilty of this, I always want worship music or a sermon to play in the background or I'm the one who's always talking. But I rarely just sit before Him in complete silence to hear from Him. God will not shout over all the noise in our lives. We need to know when it's time to make a joyful noise unto Him and when He wants absolute silence from us. 


The heart is wicked and deceitful (Jeremiah 17:7) so we always need to give God our heart, day after day after day to make sure He guards it. This has happened to me before. Sometimes prayer, worship and attending Church become a routine but your heart is somewhere completely different. 

These people come near to me with their mouth and they honor me with their lips but their hearts are from me
Isaiah 29:13 


A good biblical example of disobedience is the story of Saul. Because Saul was disobedient to the instructions of God, God neglected Him. A good Father disciplines His Children. But if a child neglects the advice of a Father He will stop repeating Himself at one point and wait for the Child to see his fault and return back to Him. And so it is with God when you feel like He has been silent since you disobeyed Him, go back where He last left you, to hear                                                          from Him. 
My Children, listen when your Father corrects you. Pay attention and learn good judgment.
 - Proverbs 4:1


Social media, TV, Friends, Family...just life, in general, are huge distractions. What we need to understand is that we are not in heaven yet. In heaven, we will not pray for 30 minutes before we have to work or get hungry at some point in worship. We are not angles and life has its challenges. So what we need to do is be intentional about hearing from God. We need to fight for it. Ask God to remove any distractions when you come before Him. 


There was a time in my life when God was completely silent. And I was desperate to hear from Him because I needed clarity So, I did what every Christian would do and looked up a guide on how to hear from God online (lol). So, out of my desperation, I followed everything on the list step by step. And as I knelt in my room in complete silence my heart was beating super fast. And I heard the Lord speak with a clarity I have rarely heard before. And He said to me: "You don't really want to hear from me because you're scared of what I might say."
And the truth is, He was right (I mean of course He was, He'ss God.) I was afraid of what God might tell me. if you're scared of the voice of God it's most likely you wont hear it. You should first pray against fear and let God free you from it and then ask Him to speak to you.

For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2. Timothy 1:7


Let's keep it real for one second here. We all hear voices. Anyone who wants to act like they don't is probably lying. We all have some deep conversations with ourselves. And as believers it's really important to know how to encourage yourself, uplift yourself and speak life over yourself and siuations. Whats important though is that this voice inside of you is inspired by the Holy Spirit and no other Spirit. Because the devil wants to be in your head too. And what's dangerous is when you cant discern when God is speaking and when it is the enemy. 
I might right an entire post about discerning the voice of God but know that the voice of God always comes with peace, it always speaks good things, it doesnt add fear to your life and it would never have you go against His own word.


Most of the conversations I have with God come when I read the Bible. Every single word in it is breathed on by Him. It truly is the living word and God always has something to say to you personally. Pray before you read the Bible ask the Holy spirit for wisdom and revelation for His word and I'm sure you'll hear from God through His Word.


i know i keep saying this but i say it because its true. Christianity is a relationship with God. Shallow prayers and knowing the our father aint going to cut it if you want to go deeper in your relationship with God. be nonest with Him involve Him in your day and then youll find Him talikng to you more.


We know from scripture that God is Spirit and they that worship Him must do so in Spirit and in truth.  (John 4:24)  We can't expect to hear from the spirit of God when we are full of our flesh. Spirit speaks to Spirit and the spirit understands things of the spirit. There are just some things our flesh cant comprehend and understand but they are understood by the spirit.
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
Romans 8:5


God loves honor and worship. in the same way, we approach our earthly parents when we really want something we should approach our heavenly Father. When I want something from my mum ill first tell her that she looks really pretty today and I want to be as pretty as she is so id like her to pay for my nails. Worship and praise set an atmosphere for God. if need be role out the red carpet for the Holy Spirit, speak well of Him, exalt Him set an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving in your heart and He will speak to you.


When you're not in the will of God you can't hear from God and when you can't hear from God you can't act upon His word and when you don't act upon His word you may never fulfill your purpose. Now, This is a dangerous zone for a Christian that's why it is so important for us to stay in the will of God. Last Summer I decided to go to another Church, God never told me to do it I just did it because I felt like it. And Sunday after Snday I went home without an encounter with God. There was nothing wrong with the Church but it wasn't the place God wanted me to be. He would speak to me once in a while but not as much as He did when i was in His will. And it took me 6 months to realize that the lack of His voice had to do with me not being in His will. I think deep down in out hearts when wee really honesr with ourselves we know what th will of God or us is. If you find yourself in a relationship, situation or enviroment that you know God doesnt want you in, get out of it to hear Gods voice again.


I know this is such a cheesy quote but this is true. Maybe none of the above is you. You not hearing
from God doesn't have to mean you did something wrong. Not at all. At some point of our childhood, our parents couldn't go everywhere with us but they had to trust that the words they taught us still echo in our hearts and that they raised us well so that we can represent them in a good way wherever we go. God is still with you, He will never leave you or forsake you. And at the right time, He will speak to you and tell you: "well done, good and faithful servant."

...before they call I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear...
Isaiah 65:24


  1. Wow this was really good, I can tell you spend much time with our father, God speaks through you and I wanted to take a moment to recognize that you have inspired me and had me revisit some areas in my life thank you for this post! God bless you

    1. God bless you, Monique! I appreciate this comment so much. Thank you for your kind words.
      Much love, Ashley!
