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22 January 2018


When I keep telling you guys, that God is about to do something new, I am not just saying it for the sake of saying it or to sound more spiritual. I keep on saying it because God keeps confirming it.

If you know anything about me, you know I don't like change.I have never moved before in my life; I don't like changing my telephone number. I just don't like change in general. I like for things to be the way they always used to be. It makes me feel safe and secure about things, you know? 
But over the past two years, I have changed so much as a person and guess what...I actually like it.
I have had a desire for change lately and I believe that change is good and change is of God!

He is the unchangeable changer. And He is about to change a lot of things in our lives in this coming season and all He wants from us is to be ready. Get ready for a change, get ready for a turnaround! Because as much as I have been craving change I know (and God knows) that change is uncomfortable.

So let me tell you how this Post happened. As I was praying I had a strong desiring for change and I heard God so clearly saying:  "I am not going to put new wine into old wineskins."And I was like; hold up what do you mean? I know I heard that saying before but I never understood what it meant. So You do what every good believer does and type it into Google. (LOL)
And there it was: Mark 2:22 and the title of the passage was 'A discussion about fasting'.
I was on day 14 of my Daniel fast at that time and I knew: Okay, God want's to tell you something and you're just not getting it. But after asking Him for understanding, I got clarity.

Change without compromise

What God was saying is that He wants to do something new. He wants to bring a change and He actually will, but He's not going to make a change with a compromise this time. (It's like a diet without the cheat days.) 
There is this thing the world does where they mix the old with the new and call it vintage. Or they take something that has always been there; rename it and present it to you as something brand new. It happens in fashion, in beauty and in culture as well as in our everyday lives.

Sometimes people say, “Here is something new!” 
But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new.
Ecclesiastes 1:10

So what God was telling me is: "I am not going to mix the old with the new."

I don't know anything about wine, but I researched it. (s/o to Google again!) And the thing with new wine is that it ferments and expands and the wineskins are able to grow with the wine to a certain point. So if you were to put new wine into an old wineskin, that is already stretched to its capacity, the old wineskins will not be able to contain the new wineskin and break and spill, both the new and the old wine. (I hope this makes sense) This parable isn't for our day and age but Jesus knew exactly who He was talking to during that time and He said something really profound.

God is saying: "That thing you do, where you pray and doubt at the same time or when you're really serious about your prayer life and then your not the other week... these old habits, these old wounds these old bad relationships, can't come to the new place I am taking you to. So if you desire change, you're going to have to leave a lot of that old stuff behind, because it's not compatible with the new thing I am doing."
In this season; God is not going to mix the old with the new.

 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. 
For the wine would burst the wineskins and the wine
 and the skins would both be lost.
 New wine calls for new wineskins.” 
Mark 2:22

So the question isn't anymore, whether or not God is going to do something new. Just as it is written in Isaiah, it has already begun.

For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19

The question is: Are you ready? God is going to make some radical, drastic changes. And He doesn't need your old way of thinking and acting. He is not going to mix the old with the new. He will renew your mind to the extent that some of the old things you used to know, you won't even know them anymore. There are certain people; certain thoughts even certain characteristics that can not come to the new places God is taking you. God is asking you, are you ready for change? Get ready for a change because I am not playing games with you this time. People will not be able to recognize you when I am done with you. It will be a 360 degree kind of change and it's going to affect every single area of your life.

He is not going to heal you from pain from your past and leave your mind filthy. He will not touch your lips and not touch you in your spirit. No! He wants to change everything. It is a complete change. No compromise. Expect change; expect growing pains; expect being uncomfortable, because when God changes He will change everything this time!

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. 
The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 
2 Corinthians 5:17

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