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18 February 2018


Where are you right now? Where are you spiritually? Are you in a good place with God, yourself and the people around you? Where are you physically? Do you believe you are in the right place at the right time? At the place God wants you? Or do you feel lost? 

I know, these are a lot of questions. But they are valid and important questions, we need to ask ourselves. And these are questions God cares about. I think it says so much about God and His Character that He cares so much about where we are. When God chose Israel as His people; He also chose a place for them. He predestined Canaan as their final destination even before He chose them as His own (You might want to let that sink in) The same thing happened when God chose you, He already chose a place for you. A final destination and He will go out of His way, turn heaven and earth upside down to make sure you arrive at that promised place. God has a place for you. Yes, you! It doesn't matter how you feel, what station you are at right now... I know that God has a place for you.

 Now that we've figured that out it's just important to know that not everyone can come to that place with you. Moses himself wasn't even able to reach that place because his mindset didn't go with the environment. Be careful who you are dragging along to a place they are never supposed to be with you. Beware of the people who slow you down. Not everyone can come where God is taking you.

All my life, I wanted to migrate. I just always did; considering the fact how much I complain about the weather in Hamburg, I just always wanted to live someplace warmer. I never saw myself in Germany for the rest of my life until I understood that God wants me here. (You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21) 

God cares about our location, as we can see in the story of Adam. The thing about God is this: He created everything! The earth, the seas, the heaven, the plants, the animals and to crown His creation; He then created the Garden Eden and PLACED the man there. God placed Adam in Eden. He didn't place himself, God supplied every single one of Adams needs before he even existed and then placed him there. He placed him in an environment where He knew he had everything he would ever need and most importantly God placed  Adam in His presence. 

 Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made.
Genesis 2:8

Eden was the original place for mankind. It was the perfect place for us to strive in. Nothing was missing in Eden. Eden was the place to be.

Where did God place you? The moment I understood that I was at the right place at the right time, not because everything was peaches and roses or perfect at my Job or in Uni but simply because God placed me there, changed my life.
There were times when I wanted to leave certain environments or relationships because I was fed up and tired but I knew if I leave now, I am leaving on my own terms and not on God terms.

I believe that if we are not rooted where God places us and endure these places we are just playing with our destinies. God places us for a reason, for a purpose, for blessings, and for our security. So if we leave that place, that perfect place that aligns with His will, we become basically homeless.

Adam removed himself from that perfect place by stepping out of line. When God banned Adam and Eve from that perfect place they became like strangers, aliens on earth. And as believers, we will always have that feeling of not really being home because the original plan of Gods placing for His children was Eden and His presence.

The same question God asked Adam He is asking you:

Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” 
Genesis 3:9

See God didn't ask Adam that question because He didn't know where he was but because Adam was not where he was supposed to be. 

It doesn't matter where you are right now, just know that God is with you, He is for you and He is guiding you to that place He has prepared for you as much as you let Him. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is a good Father who desires a relationship with you. So don't run from Him, God is trying to take you places and He is the only one who knows the way.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life."
John 14:6

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