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02 November 2016

Make room for the Overflow

The word "Overflow" didn't give me rest for weeks. I don't know why but whenever I heard the word overflow it did something to my spirit. And the funny thing was, I kept stumbling over this word everywhere. In songs, in sermons, in the Bible and in everyday life. And then there came a sermon of Pastor John Gray up on my YouTube suggestions with the exact title and it all made sense.

What I love about God, is how He reveals to us. You can listen to a song over and over again, you can watch a movie over and over again and it will leave you the same or you can read a scripture several times, but it is only until God makes it so personal to you, that you catch the revelation of the meaning. And this is how I felt about the Overflow. God is a God of Overflow. Whatever He blesses us with, increases and multiplies. So I thought to myself: Why does God not give us just enough of Him, just enough of His love, just enough of His presence, just enough for us to survive?

John 10:10
...I have come that they may have life, 
and that they may have it more abundantly... 

God was trying to tell me something by placing the word Overflow around me and it woke up a desire to understand God's way of giving Himself to us. There are times I get overwhelmed by His presence. But I understood something so important as I was seeking to understand Him more. 

God is not only pouring Himself into us for our own sakes. All He is doing, every seed He is planting, every sermon He is exposing you to, every revelation we get from Him, isn't just for us. That more, that extra oil, as I like to call it, is for your community, for your church, for your friends for your family and for so much more. The Overflow begins at that point where it affects others.

I believe that this is the season of Overflow. The reason God has been pouring Himself out so generously and has not just given us enough, but more than enough, is so that His abundance may overflow and affect others. 

Jesus has overcome darkness for an overflow of light
He has overcome death for an overflow of life
He overcame sin for an overflow of grace

What are you going to do with that extra oil that God has given you? Will you keep it to yourself or ask Him to fill you up so that you can pour into others? And the most important question is, what are you going to get rid of to make space for God's Overflow. The Widows jars in 1.Kings 17 were empty, and the last thing she had she gave to Elijah.

Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, 
shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap.
-Luke 6:38

This week I went to the bank and took out the last little money I had and gave it to someone else. I deleted all my worldly songs, I unfollowed some people on social media just to make room for that Overflow that God is giving me. 

I dare you to get rid of something that is occupying space in your life that actually belongs to God. You can't carry all these extra kilos around because you need all the space you can get at this point. God is willing to pour Himself out like never before, but do you have enough room?  

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