It's the most wonderful time of the year, right?! At least that's what they say. The Holiday season with all It's beauty and glory is finally here. Bright lights, warm drinks and beautiful decorations adorn our city's. Yet all I associate this season with is extremely cold weather, extremely short days and spending a lot of money that I actually don't have. To be honest with you all...I'm not the Christmas kind of girl. I know, I know, I can the Fabulous Churchgirl not be an absolute fan and enthusiast of Christmas?
Society has just been too successful at taking the original reason for this season and making it all about consumption. Beginning from black Friday up until new years eve, life during the Holidays is nothing but a spending marathon. I'd rather enjoy a beautiful Easter weekend with family in Church, not only is Easter in spring so the birds are chirping, the sun is shining and the first flowers are blooming (which helps a lot) it also honors Jesus and His sacrifice more than Christmas does to me.
But instead of complaining about all the things I don't like about this season I decided to do something different this year and not be a gringe but rather spread some Merry Spirit and step up to my responsibility to put the Christ back into Christmas!
Because despite of what the world isn't doing to remind humanity of the reason for this season, Christians should be even louder about the birth of the Man who changed our lives forever. One of the most fascinating stories and one of my absolute favorites is the story of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Especially the conversation between the Angel and the young Virgin.
Whenever I read that story I can't help but ask myself: did Mary know? Like, did she have any idea what and especially who she carried and what God was doing through her? And the more I studied her life I can safely say that Mary understood the assignment. To carry greatness is not for the faint hearted, it's a great task for anyone yet we all have the God given potential to be like Mary when we allow God to use us for His Glory and HisStory.
Your favorite Church Girl is breaking this significant conversation between Mary, the mother of Jesus and the Angel down to show us this Christmas how the words spoken to Mary matter to everyone of us even today.
1.) Blessed are you among women
All this: "Hey, Ashley how are you" must stop today. From now on I want to be greeted like Mary: "Rejoice highly favored one blessed are you among women." Now that's the kind of hello I'd want. (I'm kidding but I'm serious!)
Well Mary was a bit irritated by this greeting ...But she was greatly perplexed at what he said, and kept carefully considering what kind of greeting this was.
Luke 1:29 AMP
Much like when a kid calls you Aunty or Ms. Ashley instead of by your first name and it makes you uncomfortable because you're still young and fly and here you find yourself being addressed as something you don't consider yourself to be. That's how Mary must have felt in that moment and I'm sure we can all relate.
Many times we think of ourselves as insignificant, small girls who cannot be used by God but He sees us as His precious daughters and vessels to be used for great occasions.
The same way Gabriel reassured Mary and released her from her insecurities by telling her...But the angel reassured her, saying, “Do not yield to your fear, Mary, for the Lord has found delight in you and has chosen to surprise you with a wonderful gift.
Luke 1:30 TPT He is telling you and me today that the favor of God has elected us for a work that might be bigger than us, bigger than our capacity but not bigger than God. The favor of God rests upon us. The same favor that was upon Esther that caused her to win the beauty pagant and made her Queen. The same favor that was upon Ruth, Rahab and of course Mary the mother of Jesus rests upon us. So know that Angel Gabriel's greeting to Mary applies to you also and you might want to put your name there: Rejoice, highly favored one...the Lord is with you blessed are you among women!
2. But how can this be, I'm only a Virgin
There are many times God shows me great visions and dreams of how He will use me one day and all the great things I will do for Him. And as much as I would love to believe every single word He says, the first word that comes to my mind is: "Nah, not me". And there's this one question that pulls me back into reality: how?
I look at my bank account, my education, my location and ask God how can you use me, I don't have what it takes. That was Mary's initial reaction as well. She's a young woman just like you and me who gets chosen by God to do something that's out of her means.
How can this be for I know no man?
How can you use me I'm not good at talking? How can I do this I don't have the money? How can I get there I don't know the right people? As soon as God wants to use us we often limit ourselves by exalting all that we aren't and all that we dont have instead of focusing on the One who called us.
Most of the times the thing we believe disqualifies us from doing God's work is the very thing God wants most. Mary's virginity wasn't a stumbling block or hindrance for God to use her. It was in fact the prophecy of old fulfilled that a Virgin will bear a son. For God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. (1. Corinthians 1:27)
Whatever you think it is that makes you unworthy or makes it impossible for God to use you is the exact thing God needs. Your weaknesses are not bigger than God. In our weakness His strength is revealed. Whatever God wants to do through you doesn't require your might, power, strength or intellect it requires the Spirit of God!
By the Holy Ghost we are suddenly able to do things we're mentally, physically and spiritually not able to do on our own.
And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:35 NKJV
What God did in Mary was done by the hand of God, which is why Jesus is of God and not of man and is called the son of God. This shows us that God can use His daughters for anything if we trust Him and put aside our limitations. For we know that humanly speaking it is impossible but with God nothing shall be impossible.
3. For with God nothing will be impossible.”
Luke 1:37 NKJV
What if I told you right now that there are no impossibilities? That everything is possible. That there are absolutely no limitations? What would you do for God if everything was possible? If you couldn't fail as long as He's with you? Well, it is so. The same words the Angel spoke to Mary thousands of years ago are still standing for you today.
Just like Mary we all have things holding us back from becoming all God wants us to be. We have fears, concerns and insecurities that hinder us to step out into the unknown. But here's the game changer that the Christmas story reminds us of:
With God nothing shall be impossible!
He is indeed Emmanuel- God with us and with Him we have all we need.
When we involve God in everything we do and walk with Him every step of the journey He takes us on, all things will be possible unto us who believe.
4.Then Mary responded, saying, “Yes! I will be a mother for the Lord! As his servant, I accept whatever he has for me. May everything you have told me come to pass.”
Luke 1:38 TPT
And so here she is. A young woman, called by God, inexperienced, afraid and unsure of what the future holds for her. A young girl chosen by God for a great task. And most importantly a young woman who is surrendered. It's that last sentence from Mary in that conversation that shows her heart and maybe also a bit why God chose her.
Yes she was afraid and worried about what's to come but she was willing. Willing to do it afraid. Willing to do it unsure and willing to do it despite of how she might have felt. This is what made her a woman submitted to the will of God. And this is what we desire to be also.
Just like Mary we are called, chosen, elected for great assignments. God wants to use us for His Glory. He wants to birth greatness through us that will crush the head of the enemy and help destroy the Kingdom of darkness.
My prayer for you this Christmas is that every word God spoke concerning you will come to pass and that not one word will return back to Him void but accomplish the purpose it was sent out for. May You be surrendered to the will of God for your life no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem.
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