Hey, everyone! Feels like I owe you all Merry Christmas, Happy New year and Happy Blogiversary to me. Welcome back to my Blog. I think I understand what the Bible means when it says can a mother forget her nursing child? Ashley En Vogue had her three year anniversary last month and in this young and fragile age of my baby's life, I've been abandoning it pretty often. I know it's been a while that I wrote an actual Blog Post since I've been really focusing on Instagram and YouTube lately but I can't start this year without checking in with my first love. I promise to better myself this year and make an effort to write a Blog Post at least once in a month (Pray for me) So, Like I said, its a new year and a new year comes with many new years resolutions.
For many believers (I hope) one of them would be, to have a closer and more intimate walk with God. And what better way to strengthen our relationship with Him than by Prayer and Fasting?
Fasting is one of the best ways to remove distractions, discipline your flesh and to revive your Spirit. 2019 has without a doubt been the year of my life where I fasted most. I was probably fasting every two months. It became my go-to thing to do; whenever I felt like these feelings are about to get the best of me.
I also incorporated fasting one day a week on my name day into my routine, which is a Friday towards the end of last year to let my flesh know not today. Looking back at 2019 I have grown a lot spiritually because of it. And what kind of Christian Blogger would I be if I withheld all the powerful benefits of fasting from you? So here is a fasting 101 to all of you who are new to this but want to take a step deeper in your relationship with God; with all the basic things you need to know about Fasting.
1. Fasting always goes together with prayer.
It goes together like Ketchup and fries, peanut butter, and jelly or butter and bread...let me stop using food as examples since this is a fasting Post but you get the point I'm trying to make here. Fasting and prayer go hand in hand together like a package deal you can not separate the two. The world has come up with different diets and health benefits of fasting but biblical fasting has nothing to do with a diet. When you're fasting without prayer you're not only starving your flesh but you're also starving the Spirit (and now what good does that do for anyone) The goal of Fasting is to strengthen the inner man while weakening the dominance of your flesh. This can only be done by Prayer and Fasting.
- Tip! I like to pray as soon as I feel hungry or read the word of God (it has never failed me)
- Set Alarms on your phone for what I like to call "Push Prayers" to remind yourself to pray especially when you have a busy schedule
- Use every time you would usually take in a meal (e.g lunch break) for times of prayer and meditation
2. When do I break my Fast?
I have been Fasting since I was 15 so; I've been in this Fasting game for quite some time now. I personally always Fast from 6AM to 6PM. There are many different ways to go about a fast but I'd like to break it down into three different categories:
Fasting from either 6AM to 12PM, From 6AM to 3PM or the way I mostly do it from 6AM to 6PM
I never woke up before 6AM to have something to eat but it's technically something you could do.
Regarding the period of time of your Fast, I'd really advise you to prayerfully consider the time span that you want to spend fasting. You could start with once a week, or Fast for 7 days, 14 days, 21days. the longest time I biblically know of is Jesus' 40 day fast before His ministry started. I also know of people who only Fast from Monday to Friday and eat normally on the weekends. But there really are no limits. Just do it as long as you feel led by the Holy Spirit and until you sense a release.
- Tip! Don't be too religious about the time, don't keep watch on the clock the whole time.
- Eat something when you feel like you really can't do it anymore.
- never beat yourself up when you didn't make it up until the time you desired to fast
- Start small but don't stay there, the longer you do it the longer you'll be able to go without food.
3. Don't break your Fast with just anything
During the times that I fast, I can really start daydreaming about all the delicious food I'm going to have once its 6PM, and I'm done for the day when I don't control my thoughts. I used to set a table for myself with all the things I've craving all day. And honestly, I never felt good afterward. Shoving all that junk in you will just make you feel sick and the worst part of it all is that you're missing the point of fasting. We fast in order to dominate our flesh. Giving in to it after breaking the fast will do the exact opposite. Even after breaking your fast you're still supposed to overpower your flesh and not give in to its desires.
Side note: How cool is it that the word "Breakfast" comes from breaking after a fast?! I'm sure you never knew that huh? Well, welcome to the Blog of the ultimate Bible nerd... this is the kind of wisdom you get when you hang out with me. *LOL
- Tip! break your fast first with something light e.g. a salad, soup or fruits. The same way you wouldn't have Rice, stew, and chicken for breakfast (except you're a proper African) you shouldn't break your fast with anything too heavy
- after you've done that; allow yourself whatever you would usually eat but don't overdo it with the portions. It's not like you're never going to eat again
- it's not about trying to compensate for all the things you didn't get to eat during the day
4. Can I drink while I fast?
Yes, you can and yes, you should drink! But only water or some tea when it's necessary. Staying hydrated is really important anyways and especially when you're fasting. God will give you supernatural strength but don't overdo it and make sure you drink enough water.
- Tip! The same way you can set alarms for the prayers you can set reminders to drink something every 30 minutes in case you're forgetful like me
- Whenever I feel sick or my belly hurts I allow myself to drink some tea but make sure you're not adding too many ingredients to your tea and keep it as plain as possible
5. Can I fast when I'm pregnant?
Well, first of all, shout out to you, woman of God for even having the desire to do this while many others would probably use that time to eat double portions. I'm obviously not a doctor but I would not advise you to fast from food while you're pregnant. Rather feed yourself and your baby the best spiritual and physical food and once you push them out and you're no longer nursing you can go back to fasting. There is a time to fast and a time to feast and the wisdom of God will let you know what time it is for you.
- Tip! Alternatively, you could just deny yourself of certain food like chocolate or sweets as a measure to discipline your flesh. Also, a Daniel Fast would allow you to eat all day but just not everything.
6. What do I do about bad breath when I fast?
The bad breath is part of the package deal. (Lol)The Bible tells us in Matthew 6 to anoint our heads and wash our faces while were fasting and I'd like to believe that this includes all other kinds of basic hygiene like brushing our teeth. You just probably have to do that a few more times a day than usual.
- Tip! take a toothbrush and some toothpaste along and brush your teeth when you have the opportunity to do so in public washrooms.
So you guys there is a lot to say about Fasting but I hope these fundamental facts and tips will help you fast effectively and draw you closer to the Father.
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