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04 November 2018


I could sing a song about all the things I feel guilty about. I feel guilty for not being a good enough daughter, not a good sister, friend, aunty, student, church name it.  All these things I feel guilty about wouldn't even be a big deal to most people. But as Christians, we are often held to a higher standard. What we want is to be good people, righteous people, without blemish, spot or wrinkle... basically perfect. And by trying so hard to be all that we often end up condemning ourselves when we don't match these expectations. So living a life of guilt becomes the norm to a lot of believers and I am guilty of this too.

Before I even start getting into this topic I'll have to ask you to say a prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a receptive heart and a revelation of His word. Because a lot of people who look for ways out of feeling guilty all the time, misunderstand the concept of Grace. And Grace isn't a free pass to do whatever it is you want without repercussions. This is not the message of this Post. So let me get this out of the way: There is heaven and there is hell. There is good and there is evil. There are things that please God and there are things that don't. You can do all things but not everything is good for you.

So; now that we got that out of the way, Let's get into it.

The thing is this Guilt is a whole lie just like the devil. And my motivation for this Blog is to spread as much truth a possible because God is truth and to make sure that not as many people fall for the lies and trick of the enemy. Amen? Amen.

So, sorry not sorry devil but it's time to spread some more truth again.

The thing that separates us from God is not sinning itself because Jesus took care of that over 2000 years ago on the cross. What separates us from God is the guilt we feel after committing a sin. Guilt is what the enemy will use to separate you from your heavenly Father. He will accuse you of every single thing you did to make you feel ashamed, unworthy and unrighteous and he will paralyze you until you will not be able to come before the Lord in prayer. But your sins have been forgiven. God is not impressed by your wrongs that's what He sent us Jesus for. There is no thought, no desire on the inside of you and no "secret" that will disqualify you from coming before God.

What happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden is the perfect example of what we still struggle with to this day. When we do wrong we hide behind fig leaves. We hide behind bad attitudes, behind acting like we don't care. We harden our hearts and distance ourselves from God.

Do you know how many times I feel like I shouldn't blog for God? Like I shouldn't even go to a prayer meeting or Bible study because I'm not a good person and God wouldn't want me there anyway. These are all lies of the enemy. He will plant these lies into your heart until you believe them and never get to experience the unconditional grace and mercy of God.

The only thing that will make you feel guilty all time is religion. And let me tell you religion is not your friend. Religion will not get you to heaven and religion will not set you free. What we're after is a relationship with God. Guilt is not from God but there are three things that are

1.) Insight

The first thing a relationship with God will give you instead of guilt is insight. We all know that one person who can never be wrong. The way they see themselves is mostly really far from reality. Their self-perception just isn't there.

But knowing God also helps know right from wrong. It helps us to see ourselves and others through the eyes of God and act accordingly. It feels like a typical "What would Jesus do ?" - bracelet from Youth camp; but in your heart instead of on your wrist.

Jesus gave the perfect example when He spoke about the Pharisee and the tax collector praying in the temple. Because the tax collector was able to acknowledge his fault He found favor before God.

“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
Luke 18:13

The tax collector knew who He was but it didn't stop him from coming before God but it made him walk in humility. 

2.) Repentance

    ...You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God
Psalm 51:17

This is a Psalm of King David. And if we know one thing about King David it's that he was messy. Yet the Bible calls him a man after Gods own heart. One thing David perfected was the art of repentance. The Bible says the righteous falls 7 times but they rise again. (Proverbs 24:16) 

The concept of repentance means we turn our backs to our old lives and turn to Jesus.- Pastor Nick 
No matter what David did he always came back to God in repentance. This is what God wants from us instead of beating ourselves up with guilt.

3. Conviction of the Holy Spirit

Now, this is my favorite point guys. This may be a little bit of a religious expression for you but let me tell you what the conviction of the Holy Spirit is in a really simple way.

It is that feeling you get on the inside of you when you're about to order something online that is way over your budget that tells you not to do it. It is that gut feeling deep down on the inside of you that prevents you from making huge mistakes. It is the evidence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. When Jesus left the world He gave us a promise and that promise was the Holy Spirit.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13

See, this is the ultimate way out of guilt. If guilt is a lie then this is the cure. The Holy Spirit. The truth. The Holy Spirit will show us the truth as we walk with Him and He lives in us. When you feel convicted in your spirit it is God showing you the truth and telling you which way to go.

I don't know what it is you're feeling guilty about but what I want you to know is this: 
There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. What Jesus did on the cross was enough. You do not have to walk in fear of condemnation, in shame and in guilt. 

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Romans 8:1

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