Jesus time is the remedy and solution to many daily struggles. So here are five reasons why you should spend time alone with God:
1.) God reveals His secrets in the secret place
The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.
Psalms 24:14
When God wants to reveal His secrets to you, He will most likely not just shout it from the mountaintops but give you a nudge to have time with you alone. When He wants to reveal deep and hidden things about your destiny and calling, He will most likely do it when you are alone with Him. Just like when we want to tell someone something sensitive, we wait for a moment to have them alone, God wants to do that with you. You know one thing about God is that He won't necessarily call you in front of a big audience or tell you your purpose after first consulting others. What He has created you to become here on earth is a spiritual mystery that every individual has to find out by being devoted to spending time alone with God. He will tell you the things He spoke over you in utter seclusion, when you were blood in your mother's womb, but you must diligently seek Him and there you will find Him and His secrets.
2.) To quiet the noise around you
Everything around you has a voice. Everything is speaking and it can get so noisy at times. Your doubts, your fears, and circumstances will be speaking you out of your breakthrough and into complacency. The voices of others will confuse you, manipulate and influence you. But it is the voice of the Lord that needs to be amplified in your life. In order to hear the voice of God, it takes a certain frequency that you must tune into. When you are too much in your flesh, you won't be able to hear from God, but when you are in the Spirit, you will hear things of the Spirit. The voice of God gives us divine direction, divine instruction, and divine wisdom, when everything else is just making noise. Moses was able to hear the voice of God from the bush when he found himself alone. If you want to be able to hear God's voice and amplify what He is saying to you, you must separate yourself from the world and spend time alone in His presence.
"And the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."
John 10:4-5
3.) Alone time builds intimacy
Anyone who knows me knows how attached I am to my husband. I am obsessed with my husband and he is equally obsessed with me... if not slightly even a bit more. And don't get me wrong, I love our relationship and how close we are without getting tired of each other because it's a huge blessing after 2 and a half years of marriage. We work in the same place. We work out together, we do ministry together, we basically are together 24/7 and I wouldn't want it any other way. As much as I don't mind spending every single moment with my husband, I also know how important it is for me to prioritize alone time with God. Which is why I make the sacrifice to wake up at 4 am to spend time with God on my own. This time is solely reserved for God and me and helps me stay sane. I have come to realize that my marriage can only be as good as my relationship with God is. Every other relationship flows from the foundation of spending time in God's presence. How could I possibly be that kind, loving friend when I don't spend time with the One who laid down His life for me, His friend? How can I submit to my husband when I cannot submit unto the Lord? The same way being so close to my husband builds intimacy, it works with our relationship with God.
Our salvation and a relationship with God is so personal that it can never be second-hand. You must have your own encounter and experience with Him as you build an intimate relationship with your Father by spending time with Him alone. Adam had such an intimate relationship with God that He came and visited him in the Garden and Adam was able to know it was God based off of His footsteps. He was able to be naked and vulnerable before God. This is what we should desire too. An intimate relationship with God that allows us to get to know Him in a special and unique way. Finding out specific ways He speaks to us and reveals Himself to us. This kind of intimacy can only be built by being alone with God often.
He said, “I heard the sound of You [walking] in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.”
Genesis 3:10
4.) Consecration
Our only reason to dwell in the secret place shouldn't be revelation but consecration. God reveals Himself to us in the secret place, yes, but the greatest blessing that we can get from spending time alone with God is that it makes us more like Him. Consecration means to sanctify or set apart oneself to be holy. Knowing that, we understand that a consecrated life is a lonely life. When God has a purpose for your life, you can't hang out with just anybody. You can't just go anywhere. It takes separation to be consecrated unto the Lord and it happens when we are alone with Him.
Concluding all this, if you want to be refreshed and refueled in your walk with God, today is the day to make a conscious decision to be intentional about spending time alone with God no matter how busy your life may be. Especially as women, we tend to put everything and everyone else before ourselves but we should never place anything before God. And who knows, it might be like for Mary the mother of Jesus, the woman at the well, or many other women in the Bible that when God encounters you while you're alone, your life will never be the same again.
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