I know I am not the only one who feels like I should be an educated, waist training, traveling, meal prepping girl boss with clear skin and full eyebrows not lacking a striving career, a man, and a beautiful home. Instagram, Facebook & co. have us all in an uproar. Even as Christian woman we are not exempted from feeling discontent about our lives. It happens in our circle of friends, at work and (don't be fooled) even in Church. Social media, society and the world seem to have painted this picture of what we are supposed to act like, look like and be like. But for us as Christian ladies, there is a different standard. We are not subject to the customs and behaviors of this world (Romans 12:2).
So let's look at 4 major keys and biblical truths to be content Women of God in and out of season.
True contentment is admiring someone else without questioning yourself.
1. God is not into duplicates
The first truth we need to be aware of in order be content is that God is really into uniqueness. Think about it. Not one person looks exactly like the other. There is always something special about every person that makes them unique. Even twins don't have the same DNA. Not even snowflakes all look the same. This is how much our creator is into details.What does that mean for us you ask? God never intended for you to be like any other person but you. If you really want to compare yourself to anyone you should compare yourself to God because He is the only one in whose image you were made.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
Psalm 139:14
2. You don't know their story
Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.
Galatians 6:4
They may call it story on Instagram but that doesn't mean you know it. These ten seconds of their snap are not a realistic picture of their day let alone their life. I think we all knew that one girl growing up; every other girl wanted to be and all the boys wanted to be with. And believe me, I wasn't that girl at all. I was actually the opposite. But funny enough, I was always the friend of these girls. I know about the insecurities, the shame and the discontentment most of these girls go through. We are human. And we are impressed with what we see but things are not always what they seem to be like when we stand on the outside looking in. Just think about how many selfies you take before you actually post one of them. Nobody sees the time, effort and struggle behind that selfie. People choose to present the finished, polished picture. Don't admire something if you haven't lived their story first. We will never know the price someone paid to be where they are.
3. Contentment is not in the next place
The enemy will have you in a deadly cycle; if he succeeds to convince you that true contentment is in the next place.
How many times do I think: "O Lord, if only you would bless with this; or give me that and I would be happy". Can you think of something you have prayed for that God has blessed you with? How does it feel? Are you satisfied? I know I wasn't. We will never be satisfied if we live a life in search of the next best thing. God doesn't want us to be stagnant but He wants us to find beauty and peace in every season He places us in. There will be no next level if we don't pass the test where we are. Sometimes we ask God for another level when we haven't even fulfilled our assignment on the level we are on right now. True contentment is right where you are. There no person, no amount of money and no position in life that will give you the peace of God. When you're single and you then get a spouse the enemy will remind you that He hasn't proposed to yet. When you're married he will tell you-you don't have a child and when you become a mother he'll convince you that you're failing at it. The list goes on and on. Find something to be grateful for in the now and watch your attitude change. That's the only way we can break out of this lie of the enemy that true happiness is in the next place. Be Faithful right where you are. Find Joy right where you are. Be grateful right where you are. Let me try to break this down. Everything you need for the next level you are believing God for is already inside of you. Whatever you will need in the next place is what God is filling you up with in the place you are in right now. This means the favor, the grace, the anointing, the faith you need where God is taking you is already inside of you. You will not get into marriage and find healing. You find healing in that single stage and take it along with you, in order to be the best person in that next level. Don't let the enemy play you. You are at the right place at the right time.
4. See the Big Picture
I always had a very vivid and clear picture of who I wanted to be. The Career I wanted to have, the type of guy I wanted to marry, the neighborhood I wanted to live in. It was all painted in my imagination. The only way we will be able to see ourselves clearly if we stop looking at other peoples lives and start looking to God. What we look at all the time paints the picture of our mind. But the more we look to God the clearer the vision of who we are in Him gets. It was only until the moment I fell in love with the way God saw me that I was truly able to be content. What we need to truly believe is that Gods plans for us are better than our plans for ourselves. That what God has in store for us better than the life someone else is living on social media. No matter how pretty someone may look or how perfect they life may be, the life God has for you is better. True life begins when we start living for our heavenly Father and fall in love with what He has for us. Ask God to show you yourself through His eyes.
So Sister; it doesn't matter where God has you or how well everybody else around you is doing. God has a unique, special and perfect road ahead of you. That very thing you don't like about yourself is what God is going to use to set you apart from the crowd and draw people to Himself through you. Let's learn to be content and honor God with our lives.
To read my last Post click right here! Until next week my Love.
To read my last Post click right here! Until next week my Love.
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